Ashiatsu (Barefoot Massage)

Ashiatsu massage is an ancient form of massage therapy that utilizes the practitioner’s feet rather than their hands or arms to provide deep tissue compression massage.


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Ankeny, IA

Benefits Spotlight

  • Deep tissue massage without the use of pressure points
  • Improves circulation and increases range of motion
  • Helps to reduce chronic pain and tension
  • Stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding in detoxification
  • Improves flexibility and strength

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Ashiatsu (Barefoot Massage)

Ashiatsu massage is an ancient form of massage therapy that utilizes the practitioner’s feet rather than their hands or arms to provide deep tissue compression massage.

This unique massage practice is believed to have originated in Asia and India and has been practiced for thousands of years. The massage therapist stands on a padded, elevated platform and applies pressure to the patient’s body using their feet. The therapist may use different techniques such as kneading, rolling or pressing with their feet to massage the muscle tissue. The pressure of the massage is adjustable, depending on the patient’s preference and the therapist’s technique.

The therapist may also use their body weight to apply pressure, which is believed to be more effective than using their hands or arms. This is because their feet are able to cover a much larger area than their hands, allowing them to apply deep, consistent pressure to the muscle fibers. The pressure is believed to break up adhesions in the muscle tissue, which can reduce pain, tension, and inflammation.

The Transformative Effects of Ashiatsu or Barefoot Massage

Ashiatsu, often referred to as ‘barefoot massage,’ offers a unique twist to traditional massage techniques. This deep tissue massage uses the feet rather than hands to apply pressure, allowing therapists to leverage their body weight for more profound, seamless strokes. The following are key benefits of the massage:

  • Deep Tissue Relaxation: With its unique foot techniques, Ashiatsu offers deep, broad pressure, helping to stretch and elongate the spine, relieving deep-seated tension.
  • Improved Posture: It aids in the correction of postural imbalances, particularly benefiting individuals with chronic back pain and shoulder tension.
  • Enhanced Circulation:.The broad, consistent pressure improves blood flow, promoting healing and rejuvenating the body.
  • Stress Relief: Like other forms of massage, Ashiatsu is an effective stress-buster, reducing cortisol levels and promoting relaxation.

Ashiatsu is a dynamic blend of Eastern philosophy and modern Western technique. It is typically performed on a massage table, with therapists using overhead bars for support while their feet deliver healing pressure. This technique allows for deeper pressure without the discomfort that can sometimes accompany hand-based deep tissue work.

To sum it all up, Ashiatsu takes massage therapy to new heights—literally! Its deep, flowing strokes offer therapeutic benefits beyond traditional massage styles, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a powerful, deep-tissue experience without discomfort. Whether you’re an athlete seeking muscle recovery or someone coping with chronic tension, the massage offers a unique path to physical wellness and relaxation.

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