Clinical Acne Facial
A deep cleanse for stubborn acne, clogged pores, or blackheads, enriched with a salicylic acid treatment and sulfur power mask to promote clear skin. Versatile for both face and back applications.
Designed for stubborn acne, hormonally induced breakouts or chronic clogged pores + blackheads. Deep pore cleansing and exfoliation are followed by a salicylic acid medicated power treatment and sulfur power mask to clear + heal. In two corrective activity tiers designed to deliver personalized results based on SkinReading. Can be performed on face or back.
This 60-90 Minute Service Includes:
- Bioelements SkinReading
- Deep Cleansing Massage
- Personalized Custom Blending
- Extractions
- Medicated Acne Power Treatment + Power Mask
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